recommended tree Species for Urban plantings

We are developing user-friendly tools for tree selection as part of the Tree Solutions Now Act, but in the meantime you can download a spreadsheet version of our recommendations here:

The importance of planting diversity

Planting a variety of tree species is important for preventing pest and disease outbreaks and maximizing ecosystem services provided by forests. This is especially true for urban and suburban areas where trees are more likely to face additional stressors like compacted soil and pollution. Read this article published by the Urban & Community Forestry Society (UCFS) for more details. It features strategies being used in Baltimore to address street tree inequity in previously redlined neighborhoods.


New Extension Publication for Yards!

Schmitt, L., McGurrin, K., and Burghardt, K., “Managing City and Suburban Yards and Gardens to Sustain Insect Communities.” University of Maryland Extension FS-2022-0633; 2023.


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